Close to one-third of new hires leave their job within the first six months. New hires quitting is e...
Wisdom Share Mentoring Blog
I’m thinking about hosting a call-in radio show called “Hey Bob”– where people call in with question...
In the course of our work here at Mentor Resources, we interact with several hundred companies a yea...
Every mentor wants to be a Great Mentor – they want the personal benefits of a job well done, the jo...
Here at Mentor Resources we interact with thousands of people who act as mentors in the course of a ...
Who would have thought that a Swiss-based pharmaceutical company, would have the best Diversity Tale...
Are your employees the heroes of your organization’s story? We spend a lot of time discussing knowle...
Thank you for visiting the Mentor Resources blog. Thor-Eric Gullikson, one of Europe’s leading exper...
Social Learning or Collaborative Learning has come of age: A radical concept just a few years ago, m...
Forbes has recently published two excellent articles about Millennials in the workplace which EVERY ...
A few years back, Clark Quinn coined the term, SlowLearning. Those responsible for corporate trainin...
Here’s a statistic that blew me away: Corporate Training Budgets add up to a $50 billion industry. 5...
Many of us have New Years Resolutions around becoming a better manager or a "good boss." So here ano...
Most managers want to be more effective at managing, and most talent development professionals alrea...
GE Healthcare’s Chief Learning Officer believes Talent Development is changing. Bob Cancalosi, GE He...
Mentor Resources is now accepting applications for Mentor of the Year for 2012, with a deadline of D...
Today’s guest writer is Liz Weber, noted speaker, leadership coach and management consultant. She bl...
Generational Diversity is a fact of life. Most employers find their teams managing four very differe...