One approach to finding a mentor is to have a “composite mentor.” If you can’t find one person who e...
Wisdom Share Mentoring Blog
You’re trying to find a mentor—the perfect mentor. The problem is, many people you admire or think h...
Talent ManagementEmployee EngagementLearningCompetitive AdvantageKnowledge ManagementQuestions about Business
I’m thinking about hosting a call-in radio show called “Hey Bob”– where people call in with question...
In the course of our work here at Mentor Resources, we interact with several hundred companies a yea...
Here at Mentor Resources we interact with thousands of people who act as mentors in the course of a ...
Does your firm have a mentor program? If so, congratulations! But, if your company does not have a f...
So you’re thinking about starting a Mentor Program. You’ve heard about them, and read a few articles...
Talent ManagementLearningCompetitive AdvantageeMentormentor program softwarementor softwareCorporate Mentoring ProgramsCorporate Training Budget
Here’s a statistic that blew me away: Corporate Training Budgets add up to a $50 billion industry. 5...