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Nominate Your Favorite Mentor for the Mentor of the Year Award


Mentor Resources Mentor of the Year 2015

We are pleased to announce the Mentor Resources “Mentor of the Year” awards for 2015.  Mentor Resources will honor outstanding mentors in their fields from both business and education. We will name five finalists, and from these we will select a single winner who best exhibits the qualities of a mentor set forth in our criteria.



Mentor Resources established this award to recognize mentors who go above and beyond the call of duty to make a real difference in the professional or academic lives of others.   The nominees may be part of a formal or informal mentoring relationship. They may be assigned mentors or anyone -- a boss, a professor, a coach – in business or education that has done an outstanding job in meeting the below criteria. Nominations are not restricted to the mentor's current situation.

We are looking for individuals who...

  • demonstrate a strong commitment to helping others grow
  • show a willingness to share their experiences and knowledge
  • create a climate that supports trust, openness, candor, and rapport
  • provide feedback that is honest, objective & constructive
  • understand the mentee’s views and concerns while suspending personal judgment
  • take a genuine interest in their mentee both personally and professionally.
  • provide professional or academic guidance and help in expanding the mentee's networks

The deadline for submissions is Janary 7, 2016.



Nominators must fill out an online form by January 7, 2016. The submission of a fully completed and detailed nomination form is essential since judging is based on the information provided. All entries will be reviewed by our mentoring panel to determine how well the nominee fulfills the criteria.

Five finalists will be chosen and their stories will be published on our website. They will also receive a certificate suitable for framing.

The 2015 Mentor Resources Mentor of the Year winner will be awarded a plaque, and both the winner and nominator will be awarded one hundred dollar gift cards.

The mentors of the year will be announced Jan 21, 2016, coinciding with “Thank Your Mentor Day.” 


Click here to fill out nomination form.